If you're looking to reach the
radio industry, RADIO ONLINE's Radio Station Database can provide a complete
list of every AM, FM and FM translator in the United States -- commercial and
non-commercial. As of today, it contains 28246 records, including 4484 AM
stations, 11752 FM stations, 9834 FM translators and 1303 HD channels. The
best part -- it's available entirely online for 24/7 access and is updated each
The following are some of the most frequently asked
Call Letters
Market Served
City of License
Postal Code
FCC Facility
Web Address
FAX Phone
Nielsen Results
Market Rank
General Manager (1944)
Marketing Director (268)
Sales Manager (1919)
PSA/Public Affairs (259)
Local Sales Manager (43)
News Director (707)
Natl. Sales Manager (37)
Web Manager (248)
Digital SM (113)
Production Director (607)
Operations Manager (723)
Traffic Director (239)
Program Director (1972)
Human Resources (151)
Digital PD (260)
Chief Engineer (1661)
Music Director (492)
Station Email (896)
Promotions Director (926)
Station Contact Pages (7954)
The database currently includes 18068
email addresses, of which 11842 are unduplicated. These addresses (when
available) are acquired from public postings on radio station websites and
from press releases. RADIO ONLINE polls thousands of web sites every week for
new addresses and email updates -- but not all stations make this information
public. Only the stations that list their contacts and email online or in
press releases are available. Each email address is tested for deliverability
once per quarter.
The Radio Station Database includes three bonus email lists containing 2303 music air
personalities, 1008 News & Sports talent and 1008 station account executives.
Each record contains name, email address, call letters, format and city.
The RSD is updated every weekday. Using real time monitoring technology, same
day changes are implemented for call letters, addresses, phone numbers,
formats, web sites and ownership, along with personnel and their e-mail
addresses (when available).
The database is available in a comma-delimited (.CSV) or Excel (.XLS, XLSX)
output file for easy import in almost any database. You decide what
information to include or exclude when compiling an importable list for
download based on the search parameters you provide from our dashboard.
Choose and download any portion or all of the database, that includes 45
fields of data.
The following is the Radio Station Database Dashboard:
Broadcast Radio Stations
FCC AM, FM and FX databases
Nielsen Audio
Press Releases
$298.00 for the complete downloadable database with one year of anytime
updates. March bonus! Use promo code RSDB198 and pay only $198
28246 email addresses may be purchased separately from the Radio Station
Database beginning at $68.00 with 3 months of anytime updates.